1. Introduction
2. Design Considerations
3. Operation and Maintenance
4. Record/Documentation
5. Appendix A:Sample Checklist for Inspection and Testing of Solar PV Systems

1.1 About This Handbook
This Handbook recommends the best system design and operational practices in principle for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
This Handbook covers “General Practice” and “Best Practice” associated with solar PV system installation and maintenance. “General Practice” refers to general requirements in fulfilling statutory requirements and guidelines as well as aligning common practices in the trade. Whilst “Best Practice” helps to further enhance the safety and system performance of the solar PV system installations by considering exemplary practices and innovative technologies identified at the time of preparation and revision of this Handbook.

1.2 Target Audience
The target audience of this Handbook includes PV system owners, PV system operators, PV maintenance contractors, property management managers and engineering staff.

1.3 Related Ordinances, Regulations and Guidelines
The requirements for the installation, operation and maintenance of the PV system are given in the undernoted ordinances, regulations and codes of practice, etc. Readers may refer to the following documents for further information:
Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406)
Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations (CoP), issued by the EMSD of the Government
Technical Guidelines on Grid Connection of Renewable Energy Power Systems, issued by the EMSD of the Government
Guidance Notes for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Installation, issued by the EMSD of the Government
Electricity supply rules of the relevant power companies
Technical guidelines and testing & commissioning requirements for grid connection, issued by the relevant power companies
Building New Territories Exempted Houses, the Lands Department of the Government
Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123)
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