VoiceLink | Issue 70 | GWIN Reaches Milestone with Number of Gateways Exceeding 500
In December 2020, the Government launched the Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint 2.0, with the Government-Wide Internet of Things Network (GWIN) included as one of the smart city infrastructures, so as to drive smart city development. In fact, the EMSD initiated a pilot project in Sha Tin District to install gateways for the GWIN back in early 2019. By mid-2020, we actively promoted the use of GWIN for real-time monitoring of E&M equipment to our clients. As at the end of 2023, the number of GWIN gateways exceeded 500, with network coverage spanning across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and the outlying islands.
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New Editions of the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation (2024 Edition) and the Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit (2024 Edition) has been published
New Editions of the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation (2024 Edition) and the Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit (2024 Edition) has been published
Please click here for the details.

The HKIE Launches its First-ever UNSDGs eBook Showcasing over 40 Sustainable
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) launched an eBook, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which introduces Hong Kong engineering industry’s progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The eBook showcases over 40 iconic engineering projects, corresponding to 17 UNSDGs, in both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong over the years and provides insights into their distinctive features and advanced technologies from engineers’ perspectives. Through this informative publication, the HKIE hopes to deepen understanding of UNSDGs in the industry and wider society and inspire collaborative efforts and active participation from all stakeholders to support sustainable development.
Please click here for the details.

Hong Kong Energy End-use Data 2024
At EMSD, we compile data on the use of energy in Hong Kong and publish the publication "Hong Kong Energy End-use Data" which is available free to anyone. The publication covers energy consumption data of the different fuel types and the specific purposes for which they are consumed, e.g. air conditioning, lighting, cooking, etc. The data provides an understanding of the energy consumption patterns and usages, and arouses public interest and concern over the future development of energy in Hong Kong. Additionally, the information provides the Government with the basis to formulate and evaluate energy efficiency policies.
For details,please click here to read / download the publication.

Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction Initiatives of EMSD and HA Won Technology Award
In response to the target of achieving carbon neutrality set out in the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, the EMSD has collaborated with
the Hospital Authority (HA) to develop various energy-saving and carbon reduction improvement projects. One of the key projects is the replacement of high energy-efficient chillers at the Main Block of Tuen Mun Hospital. With the project completed and the new chillers put into operation in 2023, the electricity consumption of chillers has significantly been reduced by 26%, resulting in an annual saving of approximately 2.8 million kWh of electricity, or a reduction of 1 950 tonnes of carbon emissions for the venue.
Given that global warming is getting increasingly serious, the EMSD has specially introduced chillers using the new environmental friendly
hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerant R1233zd, which has low toxicity and is non-flammable, to help mitigate global climate change. Moreover, in order to ensure a stable and reliable supply of air-conditioning to support 24-hour uninterrupted operation of the hospital, the project has made reference to the Best Practices for Operation and Maintenance Service of Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Installations published by the EMSD. In replacing the chiller units, the related design was adjusted to incorporate interconnections, changeover and by-pass facilities, so as to maximise the resilience of overall air-conditioning system and minimise impact to users during maintenance activities.
With the successful implementation of the above project, the EMSD and the HA were awarded the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Hong Kong Chapter Technology Award 2024. The EMSD engineering team is much encouraged by the award, and looks forward to continuing collaboration with the HA and other client departments to take forward more innovative E&M projects, with the aim of enhancing the energy efficiency of clients’ E&M facilities, and thereby contributing to Hong Kong’s effort in combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.
Please click here for the details.