Electrical Installations
Best Practices for Operation and Maintenance Service
The Best Practices aims to promote the collaborations with the E&M trades for adopting best practices and innovative technologies throughout the building life-cycle from design, construction, operation, maintenance, alternation, addition and replacement of E&M assets in buildings for continual improvement in E&M asset management.
Launching of 8 O&M Best Practices Booklets & Handbooks
EMSD has released the 8 O&M Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks on Electrical Installations, Fire Service Installations, HVAC Installations, Lift and Escalator Installations, Gas Utilisation Facilities, Solar Photovoltaic
Systems, Solar Water Heating Systems, Fuel System of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicles in EMSD website and E&M Connect Mobile Application.
What's New
New Editions of the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation (2024 Edition) and the Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit (2024 Edition) has been published
New Editions of the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation (2024 Edition) and the Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit (2024 Edition) has been published
Please click here for the details.
The HKIE Launches its First-ever UNSDGs eBook Showcasing over 40 Sustainable
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) launched an eBook, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which introduces Hong Kong engineering industry’s progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The eBook showcases over 40 iconic engineering projects, corresponding to 17 UNSDGs, in both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong over the years and provides insights into their distinctive features and advanced technologies from engineers’ perspectives. Through this informative publication, the HKIE hopes to deepen understanding of UNSDGs in the industry and wider society and inspire collaborative efforts and active participation from all stakeholders to support sustainable development.
Please click here for the details.

8 + Booklets & Handbooks
EMSD has released the digital version of 8 O&M Best Practices Booklets & Handbooks in this e-Booklet Platform for promoting digital reading experience with multi media.

34 + Resource Centre Materials
EMSD has collaborated with trade partners to share and promote useful materials for facilitation of knowledge exchange in the trade.

39 + Trader Partners
EMSD has deepened the collaboration with different stakeholders in the trade on knowledge exchange and collection of valuable suggestions/feedbacks on the contents of the best practices from time to time.

140 + Subscription
EMSD has launched this e-Booklet platform to establish a closer collaboration, liaison and consultation with the interested E&M trade partners for more case sharing of best practices, innovation and continuous
knowledge exchanges.
Messages from Supporting Organisations